All roads lead to

Remove road blocks and dead ends so your visitors make it to your website every time.

All roads lead to your website

Repointer is a flexible domain and URL redirection tool.

How we help you

Get in control of your web traffic.

Manage your domains and outgoing links to provide a great experience for your visitors.

Fix missing subdomains

Make sure your website works, whether they type,, or

Make "pretty" forwarding links

Send to

Make your own link pages

Create a landing page full of your best links to use with social media bios and more.

Switch to new domains

Move from to without losing traffic to 404 errors.

Vanity URLs

Use special domains for special offers, without needing to build a new website every time.

Block bad requests

Stop the bots trying to find back-doors into your website.

Get alerts about broken links

Email notifications when your forwarding links stop working.

A/B split testing

Send one link to two or more destinations to randomly split traffic.

Permanent links in print

Don't reprint 1000 books because one of your linked resources changed.

Free QR Codes

Generate a QR code for your links and track the number of visits.

Domain Check

Test your domain for critical missing subdomains.

Make sure your primary website is easy to access.

Checking Your Domain...

This will test your root domain, the most comon www subdomain, as well as a random subdomain which would catch any and all spelling errors your visitors might try (ie: ww or wwww). Seeing a FAIL on any one may mean some visitors won't get to your website on the first try. This is something Repointer can help fix!


If it helps just one customer find your website, it pays for itself.

Pick a package suited for the number of domains you have.


$9 /year

Good for one primary website, with a couple domain name variations.

  • 3 Top-Level Domains (

  • 50 Subdomains (

  • Wildcard (catch-all) subdomains and paths

  • 3 Link Pages

  • Access to all features


$19 /year

Primary, variations, vanity URLs. Become the master of all your domains.

  • 50 Top-Level Domains (

  • 1500 Subdomains (

  • Wildcard (catch-all) subdomains and paths

  • 50 Link Pages

  • Access to all features

  • Invite 3 team members to manage your domains

Questions & Answers

More questions? Get in touch!

You can send an email to Ryan, the developer of Repointer, at